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New Textbooks
Instructor Resources:
To further support your course, the Fourth Edition is accompanied by a Study Guide, PrepU, and new to this edition, Lippincott CoursePoint, a digital curriculum solution that integrates adaptive learning powered by PrepU with access to personalized, perfectly timed remediation built on trusted content. Each product in the suite can be purchased separately or packaged with the main text.
Essentials of Marketing Research uses an application-oriented approach to equip students with tools and skills necessary to solve business problems and maximize opportunities. The authors' years of practical market research experience is evidenced thorough their treatment of qualitative research, to their coverage of sample size rules-of-thumb, background literature reviews, and new market research tools and techniques. This latest 5th edition gives students a strong command of market research principles, while being concise enough for with cases & other course projects. A continuing case and corresponding data sets included.
Available with McGraw-Hill Connect(R) and SmartBook 2.0.
Separation often evokes feelings of fear and anxiety in all of us--children, parents, and teachers alike. Because the success or failure of early separation experiences can affect a child's movement toward independence, teachers and parents must know how to help young children cope with the unpleasant feelings sometimes associated with separation.
In Everyday Goodbyes (her follow-up to Starting School: From Separation to Independence), Nancy Balaban once again addresses this critical aspect of child development. Emphasizing the need for parents and teachers to work together in phasing children into a child-care, preschool, or kindergarten program, she offers many sensitive, practical suggestions to ease the separation process for all involved.
Positioning separation as the underlying curriculum for all early childhood programs, this wonderful book:
Exceptional Lives: Practice, Progress, & Dignity in Today's Schools pairs real-life stories about children, their families, and their educators with the most recent evidence-based research on inclusion of students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. The 9th Edition highlights the important themes of ensuring students' progress using research-based instruction and the ethical principle of dignity. New chapters examine educational progress and long-term outcomes; school-wide supports; cross-cutting instructional approaches; and diversity and social justice. With its focus on real students, stories, and solutions, Exceptional Lives gives readers a comprehensive view of the rewards, challenges, and triumphs involved in special education today. Also available with MyLab Education
By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. MyLab Education gives teacher candidates opportunities to apply theory to practice -- better preparing them for success in their future classrooms.
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Education does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Education, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Education, search for:
0134893638 / 9780134893631 Exceptional Lives: Practice, Progress, & Dignity in Today's Schools plus MyLab Education with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package
Package consists of: